Electronic banking have long been recognized to play an important role in economic development on the basis of their ability to create liquidity in the economy through financial intermediation between savers and borrowers. It also offers financial services and products that accelerate settlement of transactions and in the process reduce cash intensity in the financial system, encourage banking culture, and catalyses economic growth. The central focus of this research is to examine how the economy will be affected positively on the implementation of electronic banking. This work will be discussed based on five chapters, chapter one will focus on the background of the study objectives of the study, significance, the scope of study and limitation of study. Chapter two will consider the review of other scholars and authors on the subject matter, and other conceptual issues in foreign exchange. Chapter three will focus on the research method and data collection, while presentation and analysis of data will be under chapter four. Chapter five will contain the summary, conclusion and recommendation. Based on the objective of the study the findings reveal that the role of economy will be improved if electronic banking is implemented.
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